Burning charcoal may emit hazardous levels or carbon monoxide.
Do not perform cooking operations unless the ventilation and exhaust systems
are operating according to the manufacturer’s specification.
Failure to comply may result in death by asphyxiation (carbon monoxide poisoning),
physical and property damage.
Samples of sign
Caution - Electric Shock
Indicates cautions (including warnings).
Contents of the caution are shown in or around
with pictures or words.
The sign in the left shows “Caution - Electric Shock”
No Disassembly
Indicates forbiddance.
Contents of the forbiddance are shown in or around
with pictures or words.
The sign in the left shows “Do Not Disassemble”.
Check Gas Source
Indicates Compulsion.
Contents of the compulsory are shown in or around
with pictures or words.
The sign in the left shows “Check Gas Source”.