Maintenance Manual
PEFS F3 Maintenance Manual, Version 1.2, Feb 2018
© Copyright 2017 Chubb Fire & Security Pty Ltd
Where the water quality is in doubt at a particular location where filling activities are carried out, the use of water
from another location source should be used. Failure to do so may result in rapid deterioration of the cylinder
assembly, leading to leakage or failure to operate. Routine service shall be undertaken more regularly where:
(a) water quality has proved to be a problem, or is likely to be a problem;
(b) salts are deposited in the cylinder; or
(c) hard water is used.
System Defects
Defects, including faulty or defective components advised by public notices or manufacturers’ service bulletins,
shall be replaced, exchanged or repaired.
Critical defects shall be rectified with the minimum of delay. Unless alternative risk reduction measures are
implemented for the safety of personnel, equipment shall not be operated until the critical defects are rectified.
Critical defects shall be reported to the responsible entity and confirmed in writing within 24 h.
An ‘out-of-service’ tag system should be used to indicate that the system is temporarily impaired. Tags should be
attached to the affected equipment for the duration of the impairment. Evidence of the service level shall not be
applied to the service tag or label. The inspection and the outcome shall be entered in the service records.
Non-critical defects shall be rectified as soon as practicable and reported to the responsible entity.
Service Records
A service record at the completion of any scheduled maintenance should be provided to the equipment owner or
responsible entity. The service record should contain the following information:
1. Service activities.
2. Defects.
3. Rectifications and by whom.
4. Date conducted.
5. Where modification to the system has occurred:
a. Updated system baseline data or fire system specification
b. System re-commissioning report.
A service tag or label should be provided for each fire protection system to record the last level of inspection, test
and survey performed.
The level of service carried out shall be etched, embossed stamped, or indelibly marked on the tag or label in the
box corresponding to the year and month in which the routine was performed, with a figure representing the routine
as follows:
Punched hole
= commissioned/placed in-service
= Six-monthly
2 = Yearly
3 = Five yearly
4 = Recharged after use
The figures shall be not less than 3mm high, and the markings shall be such that the figures are legible.
When a new service label is provided, the label shall be applied adjacent to the completed label so that the
previous service history is not obscured.