Extrication Considerations
2017 Pacifica Hybrid Emergency Response Guide P.18
Impact event emergencies can require the extrication of victims from damaged vehicles.
Determination of the need to extricate and timing must be made by incident command
based on standard response practices and procedures.
When victims can be removed safely from an electrified driveline vehicle,
it may be
as consequences of damage to high voltage components may evolve over time.
Potential related hazards to vehicle occupants, beyond medical condition and typical
automotive impact event hazards will include:
Fire, which is sustained by heat from a damaged battery or shorted wiring
Exposure of high voltage potentials from damage to the isolated HV system
Toxic gaseous emissions from a thermally active damaged battery
Vehicle stability, or the lack there-of. Lift points indicated on page 21 should be used to
immobilize the vehicle when possible before extrication activities.
Decisions to extricate must take into account the balance between medical
condition and hazard from the state of the vehicle.
Damage to fuel systems, potential hot coolant lines, all high voltage electrical components
and cables, the batteries, and potentially active restraint systems must be avoided at all
times. See the following pages for location information.
(The “Do not cut” illustrations)
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