USB Stand Alone interface
Datasheet / Technical manual
Clock and calendar
Stand Alone mode includes an internal clock and calendar. Time triggers can be assigned to every scene in the scene list.
(255 max)
Start and end schedules can be programmed according to calendar dates, hours and minutes, and further defined by days
of the week, enabling fully-automated scheduled playback.
CASE 1: Programming a unique trigger:
Start schedule: A single instance of the scene triggered at
the given date and time
End schedule: The scene stops at the given date and time.
CASE 2: Programming a repeating trigger:
Start schedule: effective Date from which the scene will be
playable according to the programmed triggers
End schedule: Date after which triggers will be ignored.
With no End date, triggers will run continuously
Repeat months, list of the months of the year
The 12 check boxes represent the 12 months of the year (J) January to (D) December. The triggers will be performed on the
selected months. Next, a daily hour range must be defined to each month.
Start and Stop days
With a monthly repetition, starting and stopping days for each chosen month can be selected.
In this example, triggers are performed between the 1
and the 15
of each chosen month.
List of the days of the week
The check boxes represent the 7 days in a week. The triggers will be performed on the selected days only. Next, a time
range must be defined.
Start time: Determines the daily start time when the scene
will be triggered on each chosen day, according to the
schedule of chosen months, days of the week, and start
and end dates.
Release time: Determines the daily stop time when the
scene will be stopped on each chosen day (following the
schedule of chosen months, days of the week, and start
and end dates). Setting the release time is optional. If
not defined, the scene will keep playing until another
trigger event happens (e.g., the triggering of another
NOTE: For a daily repetition, if the start time is later than the release time, the triggering will stop the next day, even if the
next day has not been selected.