Programmable DC Power Supply (with Solar Array Simulation) 62000H Series
Operating & Programming Manual
Soft Panel
The Soft Panel simulates the actual device panel functions that 7 commands interfaces are
provided for setting. If there is a system password, a window will prompt to request for the
password. Input the password and click
. If the password is correct, click
to start
executing the command.
Setting Parameters:
(1) Voltage: It sets the device voltage.
(2) Current: It sets the device current.
(3) Output Mode: It enables or disables the device output.
Every time when entering the Soft Panel page, the item (1) & (2) will automatically read the
device settings at present.
Reading Value
(4) Voltage: It reads the device output voltage.
(5) Current: It reads the device output current.
(6) Power: It reads the device output power.
(7) CV/CC: It reads the device status.
The items (4), (5) & (6) will automatically update the device output every second.
(8) Warning light: When an error occurs, the associate warning light will turn on.
(9) Reset: It clears the warning light.
(4) (5)
(6) (7)