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DHD700/DHD800 Lamp/Filter Replacement Instruction Sheet

020-000207-02  Rev. 1  (10-2010)


1. Switch the power button to ON.
2. Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen 

Menu. Use the 

 cursor buttons to move the red 

frame pointer to the Setting Menu icon (Figure 3).

3. Use the Point 

 buttons to move the red frame 

pointer to Filter counter and then press the SELECT 
button. A dialog box appears showing the Used time 
option and the Scrolls remaining option. Use the Point 

 buttons to select Used time. 

4. Used time shows the total accumulated time of the filter 

use, a timer setting option, and the Reset option. Select 
Reset and the “Filter counter Reset?” appears. Select 
[Yes] to continue. 

5. Another confirmation dialog box appears, select [Yes] 

to reset the Filter counter.

NOTES: 1) 

The FILTER TIME value shown on the EASY 

menu is the use time since the last time the FILTER TIME 
was reset. Refer to the value for proper maintenance. 



not reset the FILTER TIME without replacing a filter.


1. Switch the power button to ON.
2. Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen 

Menu. Use the Point 

 buttons to move the red frame 

pointer to the Setting Menu icon. 

3. Use the Point 

 buttons to move the red frame pointer 

to Filter counter and then press the SELECT button. A 
dialog box appears showing the Used time option and 
the Scrolls remaining option. Use the Point 


to select Scroll(s) remaining. 


Scroll(s) remaining shows the number of the remaining 

scrolls and the Reset option. Select Reset and the “Scroll 
counter Reset?” appears. Select [Yes] to continue. 

5. Another confirmation dialog box appears, select [Yes] 


reset the Scroll counter.

Figure 4 Filter Counter

Figure 5 Scroll Counter
