With primary connection of the winch complete in accordance with relevant control box, it is time to test the operation.
Carefully follow the next steps to ensure safe setup:
1) Ensure the winch is properly secured and the lift cables clamped accordingly.
2) Check and make sure both limit cams are positioned away from their relevant micro switches.
3) Secure all covers, and supply mains power.
4) Operate the winch momentarily in one direction to check that the UP switch will lift the load.
5) If incorrect, isolate mains power and proceed as follows: (ref page 10)
- Swap F and R on the single phase model
- Swap L1 and L2 on the three phase model
6) Secure covers, supply power to the system, and check for correct operational direction.
Limits are sensitive; a small cam movement may correspond to a large amount winch travel.
- Position one cam to depress a switch (the other should be well clear of the switch)
- Note the switch that you have activated
- Supply power and activate in up direction momentarily
- If the winch lifts up then the limit switch noted above is the lower limit
- If the winch doesn't move it is the upper limit (momentarily activate in the close direction to confirm this)
- Proceed to adjust each friction held cam and operate the winch to achieve the required set positions.
Friction held limit cams.
Use a small flat blade
screwdriver to adjust