F i g u r e 1 . E n l a r g i n g t h e O u t l e t H o l e s ( f r o n t v i e w ) .
The Auger Tube with the Intermediate Control must have each hole enlarged, as
shown in Figure 1. This will ensure total feed dropout before the Intermediate Control.
Use a hacksaw and tin snips to enlarge hole size. Be sure there are no burrs inside
the tube to catch the auger.
Install the Proximity Intermediate Control:
Remove the (2) Hex Head Screws securing the Tube Retainer on the Inter-
mediate Control. See Figure 2.
Lift off the Tube Retainer.
Cradle the Feeder Tube in the Control Housing. The Feeder Tube may have
to be turned to allow the pan to hang straight.
Clamp the Control in place by inserting tabs on the Tube Retainer into the
slots on the Control Body. Install and tighten the two hex head screws, re-
moved above.
Figure 3 shows an Intermediate Control installed in the appropriate location.
(2) Hex Head Screws
Tube Retainer
Auger Tube
Tube Seam
Cut here to enlarge outlet holes.
F i g u r e 2 . I n t e r m e d i a t e C o n t r o l I n s t a l l a t i o n ( s i d e v i e w ) .