BEST Gateway
User Manual
3381 Cambie Street, #211
© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3
All rights reserved
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Figure 4.2-5 - Added 3rd Party BACnet Power Meter
Repeat these steps for each power meter.
Refer to
Appendix D: Using CAS BACnet EXPLORER
for information on how to use the CAS BACnet
Explorer to get the data to input into the configuration fields when adding a 3
party BACnet Power
Add Task to Read a Data Point from a 3
Party BACnet Power Meter
Finally, add the data points to push to the BEST Cloud Server.
Click on t
he ‘Insert’ link as show in the image below:
Figure 4.2-6 - Add Data Point Link
You will see this form:
Figure 4.2-7 - Add Data Point Form
Fill out the fields as follows:
The UID that represents the device this object is from. The drop-down menu contains
the list of UIDs that were added in section
Data Type
The type of data point this task will read.
BACnet Object Type
The BACnet Object type for this data point.