MCDV2 Motorcycle DVR 5
Wiring Diagram - Layout
Video plugs are small and delicate. Rough handling or dirt can damage
them. During assembly the video plugs should be clean and carefully
aligned, then gently, but firmly pushed together. After installation (not
now) they can be taped to seal or use heat-shrink prior to assembly.
The above drawing shows where each of the parts of the kit attaches to
the device. You may wish to use the extensions supplied to reach
handlebar button and camera locations or ensure the GPS device can
“see” the sky.
Attach each of the parts to the device now, but not the main power supply.
Using a USB power supply, we recommend that you set up the system on
a table or bench before installing on the motorcycle.
A USB cable is provided to charge the internal battery prior to installation.
Once you are familiar with the parts, setting up and operation, you should
find it simple and easy to use.
All connections are done with miniature, multi-pin connectors.