China Aerospace Telecommunications Ltd
position when oil box when it empty and full .when the oil level changed, oil
sensor will check the change and account current oil level .
Attention: after cut off the oil sensor ,must true up the fuel sensor , Empty
oil box or full oil box has the relation with the gasoline and level, without
relationship with the volume of the oil box , so we can do this test in
house ,( made one vessel ,fill up Gas oil ,as the oil box ) ,first need set up full
oil box ,then set up empty oil box ,otherwise sensor will not into true up .
3、True up when Full oil box : after full the oil box ,put the oil sensor into
the oil box ,after 30sec ,then the fuel sensor will full with the oil ,press the true
up machine Full button and hold on 5 s, Until Green LED flash slow ,means
sensor become full true up mode ,after 10 sec ,Green LED off ,means the full
oil box data true up okay.
4.True up when empty oil box ,take out the sensor from the oil box ,keep
it outside of the oil box ,after the oil outflow from the sensor ,press Empty
button and hold on 5 s, Until Green LED flash quickly ,means Sensor become
Empty true up mode ,after 10 sec ,GEREN LED off ,means the Empty oil box
data true up okay.
5 .After True up finished ,disconnect true up machine ,Connect Pin 1 and
Pin 3 of the sensor with the power , True up will be success after power on the
sensor .Indicate : If press the wrong button when operate ,can disconnect the
true up machine power and exit current state ,and repeat
7.10 Installation Camera
Connect camera with Terminal 485 connector , check whether the
camera is fixed into the appropriate position.
7.11 Installation Relay
1.Connect the CUT1 control line of the multi-function cable with relay 86
pin .
2.Connect the relay 85 with car battery anode, 87a.30 connect with two
side of the ACC line as below: