10G Core Routing Switch User Manual
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hw-sync Dynamic route synchronize with hardware route table
ospf OSPF specific commands
rip Set Rip config parameters.
switch(config)# router ospf ?
<cr> Just Press <Enter> to Execute command!
<cr> indicates no parameter in this position. The next command line repeats the command, you can press <Enter> to
execute it directly.
4) Input a character string with a “?”, then all the commands with this character string as their initials will be listed.
switch(config)# a?
access-list Set access-list parameters.
arp Config system's setting.
authentication Config information of authentication.
5) Input a command with a character string and “?”, then all the key words with this character string as their initials in
the command will be listed.
switch# show ve?
version Display SPROS version.
6) Input the first letters of a keyword of a command and press <Tab> key. If no other keywords are headed by this
letters, then this unique keyword will be displayed automatically.
Displaying Characteristics of Command Line
Command line interface provides the following display characteristics:
For users’ convenience, the instruction and help information can be displayed in both English and Chinese.
For the information to be displayed exceeding one screen, pausing function is provided. In this case, users can
have three choices, as shown in the table below.
Table 3-2
Functions of displaying
Key or Command
Press <Q> when the display pauses
Stop displaying and executing command.
Press any key when the display pauses
Continue to display the next screen of
Press <Enter> when the display
Continue to display the next line of information.