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SKU 69360
tool set up
to preVent
serious injurY
From aCCidentaL
release the trigger and remove
the Battery pack before adjusting
tool or installing accessories.
Bit instaLLation:
Caution! Let bit cool before
touching, changing or adjusting it.
Bits heat up dramatically while in use,
and can burn you.
2. Slide Direction Selector to its mid-
3. While holding ring behind collar of
Chuck with one hand, rotate collar
counterclockwise to open jaws.
4. Insert shank of drill bit or other accessory
into chuck.
5. Turn collar clockwise to hand tighten.
Caution! to prevent injury, do not
squeeze trigger to release or tighten
Work piece and Work area set up
1. Designate a work area that is clean and
well-lit. The work area must not allow
access by children or pets to prevent
distraction and injury.
2. Secure loose work pieces using a vise
or clamps (not included) to prevent
movement while working.
3. There must not be objects, such as utility
lines, nearby that will present a hazard
while working.
general operating instructions
1. Change Direction, Clutch, and Gear
settings as desired, see page 8.
Caution: to prevent damage, do
not adjust any setting while drill is in
2. Install bit as explained to the left.
3. Insert Battery Pack into base of tool until
it clicks in place.
4. Place tip of bit against desired location.
Verify that work surface has no
hidden utility lines before drilling or
driving screws.
5. Place one hand over top of housing for
greater tool stability. With other hand
grip handle and squeeze Trigger to
activate motor.
do not force bit. excessive force will
damage tip and lead to tool failure.
drill only as deep as needed.
7. To prevent accidents: After use, turn off
the tool and remove the Battery Pack
by pressing on the striped side tabs and
sliding it out. Clean, then store the tool
indoors out of children’s reach.