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Item 62213
Operating instructions
read the EntirE iMpOrtant SaFEty inFOrMatiOn section at the beginning of this manual
including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.
tool Set up
tO prEVEnt SEriOuS inJury FrOM acciDEntaL OpEratiOn:
turn the power Switch of the tool off and unplug the tool from its electrical
outlet before adjusting tool or installing accessories.
Swivelling cutter Head
1. Put on heavy-duty work gloves and ANSI-
approved safety goggles to avoid injury.
2. Loosen the three Hex Bolts using the Hex
Key provided with this tool. See above.
3. Firmly grip the cutter head and twist it to the
desired position. Tighten the three Hex Bolts
to keep the Cutter Head in that position.
Work piece and Work area Set up
1. Designate a work area that is clean and well-lit.
The work area must not allow access by children
or pets to prevent distraction and injury.
2. Route the power cord along a safe route to reach
the work area without creating a tripping hazard or
exposing the power cord to possible damage. The
power cord must reach the work area with enough
extra length to allow free movement while working.
3. Secure loose work pieces using a vise or clamps
(not included) to prevent movement while working.
4. There must not be objects, such as utility lines,
nearby that will present a hazard while working.
General Operating instructions
1. Squeeze the Trigger to activate the Shear.
Release Trigger to turn off Shear.
2. For continuous operation, press the Trigger Lock
on the side of the handle. The Trigger Lock
will deactivate once the Trigger is released.
3. If Shear become jammed during cutting,
release Trigger and unplug tool immediately.
4. Use the Belt Tab to hang the
Shear from the workbelt.
5. To prevent accidents, turn off the tool and
disconnect its power supply after use. Clean, then
store the tool indoors out of children’s reach.