Integrity Advanced Server Installation Guide
2. In the 'For use with JDK 1.4' section, click the link for ojdbc14.jar.
3. Save the ojdbc14.jar file on the computer you wish to install Integrity Server on.
Be sure to note the location.
Obtaining the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 driver files
You can download and install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC (Java Database
Connectivity) drivers free of charge from the Microsoft SQL Server page.
To download the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 drivers:
1. Using a Web browser, go to the Microsoft SQL Server download page.
2. In the 'Tools and Utilities' section, click SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC.
3. Follow the instructions for your operating system. Be sure to choose the Complete
Setup option in the setup wizard.
The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 drivers are stored by default in C:\program
files\microsoft sql server 2000 driver for jdbc\lib.
Setting Client Languages
During installation, you can choose which languages (other than English) are available
for Integrity communications with the endpoint user (such as client-package messages,
custom alerts, and remediation or sandbox pages). The administrator will be able to
use any of the selected languages for such communications.
To add client language options
1. Shut down Integrity Advanced Server. (In a clustered environment, shut down all
Integrity nodes in the cluster.)
2. At the command line, go to <install_dir>\engine\webapps\ROOT\bin. (In a
clustered environment, you can do this on any node in the cluster.)
3. For Windows, run the following:
installLocale <locale>
For Linux, run the following:
./installLocale.sh <locale>
—where <locale> is ja_JP (for Japanese), fr_FR (for French), or de_DE (for
Do not try to install a language with this script if you have already installed that