Installing and Removing Memory
Customer Replaceable Parts
Page 25
The mirror rebuild is automatic.
The two disks must be the same type.
First Boot Up
At first boot up, let the disk fully synchronize. After two hours, the disks are synchronized. Do not reboot the
system until the disks are fully synchronized. If you reboot before the disks are synchronized, the
synchronization starts again at the next boot.
To monitor the RAID state of the disks from the CLI
1. Log in to the appliance
2. Enter expert mode
3. Use one of these tools to monitor the RAID status of the disks:
At the command line run
This shows information about the RAID and disks, with the % progress of the synchronization.
DiskID 0
is the top disk.
DiskID 1
is the bottom disk.
At the command line run
cpstat os –f raidInfo.
This shows almost the same information as
command, but in tabular format
To monitor the RAID state of the disks Using SNMP
To monitor the RAID status of the disks Using SNMP, set up SNMP traps to send information about the
To Hot Swap a disk:
- Make sure that at least one fully synchronized disk is in the system.
1. When the system is up, remove the failed disk.
2. Wait 15 seconds for the system to recognize that the disk was removed.
3. Insert a new disk at this time or at a later time. You can reboot the system with one disk.
The system automatically adds the new disk to the RAID configuration.
Installing and Removing Memory
The Check Point 21400 VSX has 12 dual inline memory-module (DIMM) sockets. This section describes
how to upgrade or replace the memory by using a Check Point-approved memory upgrade kit.
Only use memory kits purchased from Check Point or Check Point-approved resellers.
The DIMM sockets are in two groups of four sockets. The sockets are located on the left font and right rear
of the Check Point 21400 VSX system board, as you look at the appliance from the front.
Before You Begin
To upgrade or replace your appliance memory, you need:
Physical access to the appliance
Check Point memory upgrade kit
Access to the appliance using the CLI