| 2020-06
P a g e | 39
IMU state
When the system timing successfully, the initialization of all system parts is normal. After user
clicks "
Create Prj
", the IMU state starts to display the correct count and error count number
of IMU. If the initialization of IMU is normal, it will show green. Otherwise, it will display red.
In the process of operation, user need to pay attention to the correct count and error count.
When the correct count is increasing all the time and the error count keeps 0, also the IMU
icon shows green which indicates the IMU is working normally.
SD card state
If the initialization of SD card is normal, it will display green, otherwise the icon will display red.
After the user clicks "
Create Prj
", the status of SD card will display whether the file is created
or not. If the I, S and T icons are displayed in green, it means that each file is writing to SD card
normally, otherwise, it will be red.
Camera state
Trigger: Trigger is an operation mode that control the camera to take photos, which
including time trigger, distance trigger and manual trigger.
Data format:
TRIG0: Ladybug camera selecting TRIG0;
TRIG1: Single camera selecting TRIG1;
TRIG2: Dual camera selecting TRIG2;
CAM state: The camera state is defined as unknown, normal, and abnormal. When the
camera is connected and can take pictures normally, the camera state is displayed as
"normal". When the camera fails to work, the camera state will be displayed as
"abnormal" , and the rest will be displayed as "unknown".
Monitor: Check whether the camera is missing shots. If the camera has missed shots, the
number of missed shots will be recorded in the display part of "error count". When the
equipment is powered on and starts to work, the Monitor will be turned on automatically
and displayed as "enable".
Photo NUM: After the collection is started, the photo number will continually be
increasing until project finish. The default start display is 000000.
Error count: In the process of data collection
If the camera misses one or more shots,
the number of missed shots is recorded at the error count, if the error count is always 0,
it means that the camera is working normally. The default record is 000000.