DMX-680 User Manual
DMX 512 addressing. Use
buttons to
change DMX values between 001 and 512.
Sets the fixture to operate under DMX-512 control. A
Universal DMX controller is required.
Assigns Master status to fixture for Master-Slave
configuration. Programs will run in sound-active.
Assigns Slave status to fixture for Master-Slave
configuration. Start from fixture # 2 and on.
Stand-Alone mode running at an automatic preset
Standard pan movement
Reverse pan movement
Standard tilt movement
Reverse tilt movement
Combined control of pan & tilt, standard default
Combined control of pan & tilt, reversed settings
Tests all motors in the fixture
Provides testing of the pan movement
Provides testing of the tilt movement
Provides testing of the color wheel
Provides testing of the gobo wheel
Provides testing of the shutter blade
Standard display setting
Inversed or reversed display setting. Useful for
reading display while fixture is upside down.
Fixture reset
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