Operating Instructions
COLORado™ 3 User Manual
1/30/2012 10:56 AM
Important Notes about Stage 2 Mode 1
R e d , G r e e n a n d B l u e S el e c t i o n
Channels 2, 3 and 4 control overall intensity of each respective color.
Channels 2, 3 and 4 can be combined to create an unlimited range of colors.
S t r o b e
Strobe occurs at every channel with the exception of Channels 7 and 10.
Speed of the strobe is adjustable from 0 to 20 Hz.
M o d e S e l e c ti o n
Channel 9 values 5-244 provides mode selection and can only be activated while
Channels 1 through 7 are at value 0. When channel 9 is between 245 and 255, channels
1 through 7 can be any value.
When Color-Cycle mode 4 is selected channel 9 controls the speed.
I D a d d r e s s s e l e ct i o n
Use channel 8 to select ID addressed fixtures.
Each independent DMX address can have up to 66 ID addressed fixtures.
ID address “0” allows control of all fixtures simultaneously.
M o d u l e s el e c t i o n
Provides individual control of the three LED modules in each fixture.
Channel 9 has priority over channel 10.
E f f e c t m a c r o
These are pre-programmed color patterns and module chases.
Channel 10 has priority over channels (1, 2, 3, 4).
Channel 10 has priority over channel 9 if first activated.