Advanced Laser Module
Feet Indentions
These indentions retain the rubber feet of the unit. This allows the module to align and rest directly
underneath the unit.
Ribbon Cable Connection
A ribbon cable connects the unit to the module at this location on the module in order to transfer data from
the laser module to the unit.
Patient Interrupt Switch Connection
As a safety measure and to minimize any apprehension, it is recommended that you always allow the
patient to hold the Patient Interrupt Switch during laser therapy. When the red button on the end of the
switch is pressed, a beeper sounds and the treatment is paused. Parameters can then be verified and
changed (if necessary) and therapy can be resumed.
Use of the Patient Interrupt Switch should always be explained to the patient before starting treatment.
Patients will feel safer knowing they can stop the treatment if necessary.
The Patient Interrupt Switch is very sensitive. Explain this to the patient when using it in order to prevent
unnecessary interruptions in treatment.
Laser Interlock (Door Interrupt Switch Connection)
This option allows you to set up a switch (similar to the patient interrupt switch) that interrupts treatment
when the door of the treatment room is opened during a therapy session.
Acupuncture Point Locator Connection
This port serves as the connection between the Acupuncture Point Locator and the module.