firebricks should be filled with fire
Connect the boiler to the heating
system ensuring that the flow pipe
rises from the boiler. Fill the system
with water and check for leaks.
There are several ways of connecting
the stove to the flue. These are
illustrated in Figs. 4 to 7.
If the optional vertical rear flue
connector is used and no boiler is
fitted then the chimney may be swept
through the appliance.
Horizontal lengths of flue must be
kept to a minimum and should not be
more than 150mm (6 inches) long.
The sealing face of the flue collar
must be coated with fire cement
before fixing to the body of the stove
using the two screws provided. The
blanking plate must be removed,
sealed with fire cement and refitted,
care being taken to ensure that the
fold on the blanking plate is in line
with the lugs on the firebox as shown
in Fig. 8. Ensure that the clamping
plate does not prevent the throat plate
from seating correctly. All flue
connections must be well sealed.
It is possible to pass a 16 inch
diameter sweeps brush through the
appliance but in most back outlet
installations it will be necessary to
have a soot door to enable the
chimney to be swept. The optional
vertical rear flue connector does
allow the chimney to be swept
through the stove, except when a
boiler is fitted.
Soot doors may either be in the actual
brickwork of the chimney or in the
register plate. Various positions of
soot doors are shown in Figs. 4 to 7.
If the optional boiler is fitted, then
the throat plate is not required.
If the optional boiler is not fitted then
ensure that the throat plate is fitted in
the roof of the appliance. The
location and positioning of the throat
plate is shown in Fig. 2.
Before initial lighting check that the
front fence is fitted correctly and that
the doors tighten properly.
On completion of the installation and
after allowing a suitable period of
time for the fire cement and mortar to
dry out, make a layer of ash or sand
on the base of the stove before
lighting it and checking to ensure
that smoke and fumes are taken from
the appliance up the chimney and
emitted safely. Also check all joints
and seals. On completion of the
installation and commissioning
please leave the operating instruc-
tions with the customer and advise
them on the use of the appliance.
Fig. 8. Flue Blanking Plate.
Blanking Plate
Blanking Plate
Clamping Plate
with fold horizontal
Back of the Stove
Clamping plate finishes
flush with inside face of
firebox top and bottom.
with fire cement
Seal Blanking Plate
Overall Dimensions
(All dimensions are in mm)
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