That the packing volume indicated on the CHARLY reserve’s approval label is
consistent with the allowed volume indicated in the operating instructions of the
• That the volume of the packed reserve can vary significantly depending on the quality
of packing, and often differs greatly from the volume of a factory-packed reserve
compressed by the harness.
That the rescue system has not been installed in the wrong direction/arrangement
inside the reserve compartment. The instructions for the harness/container must be
strictly followed in this regard.
Modern harnesses with integrated reserve compartment are increasingly designed with
the release handle and the inner container forming a single unit which is specifically tested
during the certification of the harness or front container. The CHARLY pocket container
cannot be used in combination with these harnesses. Instead, it is necessary that the
reserve is repacked into the inner container of the harness manufacturer. CHARLY grants
the approval for this, provided that it is a usual cloverleaf inner container and its volume
is not less than that of the CHARLY rescue system (see technical data). If the design of the
third-party inner container differs significantly from the common cloverleaf containers, the
release handle-inner container combination must be sent to CHARLY for approval.
1. Unpacking from the CHARLY standard flat container
The following pictures show as an example the container exchange for a CHARLY
Reserve packed inside the CHARLY
standard flat container
Tie both line bundles together with
packing cords
Please note:
The following steps for repacking the reserve into a third-party
cloverleaf inner container are to be understood as an example only. Detailed
instructions must be obtained from the respective manufacturer of the third-
party container.
Operating instructions | CHARLY round canopy reserves
Repacking into third-party cloverleaf inner containers