7. 2 hours before you are ready to smoke the fish, remove from refrigerator.
8. Scrape off the slurry mixture and place into wire sieve to drain... the
desired outcome is to save all of the little pieces of crab boil.
9. Place salmon filet flesh side up on baking sheet and pat dry. (Do not
10. Spread the remaining bits and pieces of crab boil on the fish flesh.
11. With great restraint carefully criss-cross a very thin line of black strap
molasses on the salmon flesh over the top of the crab boil pieces.
12. At this point you have two choices:
A. Allow the toppings on the fish to dry naturally until ‘tacky’ to the
touch - this takes quite a while and not recommended.
B. Use a hair dryer or a fan on low setting to speed up the drying process
until the toppings on the fish are ‘tacky to the touch.
13. Prepare your smoker to a temperature of approximately 250°F degrees.
For this dish I recommend alder, cherry, apple or other soft woods or a
combination. This is a good dish to use the water pan in your smoker.
14. Use your hands placed in support under the fish filet to lift and place
flesh-side down on the grates so the grates cross the fish side-ways (not
15. Smoke for between 1 - 2 hours depending upon the heat of your smoke,
the number of filets you are smoking and the thickness of the fish - a
good target for the internal temperature of the fish is 130°F - 140°F
degrees, this will ensure the meat is cooked and produce a soft (not
gravlox!) yet firm texture.
16. Remove grate from smoker (use gloves to protect from heat!) with fish
still on it and place a baking pan on the top of the fish then ‘flip’ the fish
and grate so the baking sheet is on the bottom.
17. Remove the grates from fish the grates will have heated and ‘split’ the
fish giving an appearance of having scored the flesh with a knife.
18. Place in refrigerator to hold until ready to serve with dark breads, sliced
red onions, cream cheese, lemon wedges, capers, etc.
©2015 Char-Broil, LLC
Columbus, GA 31902
AN: 15.122905
15.122905 2015 Grilling Guide.indd 22
6/1/15 11:12 AM