Page 17
Sensor Change / Adjustment
If your control box is showing an F1 error and not counting correctly, you may have a problem with
the connectors and/or the sensor may need adjustment.
First, check the plug and socket connection between the control box and the feeder
MOST COMMON CAUSE OF PROBLEMS! If required check continuity with a multi-meter.
Plug/socket wiring;
Brown = 7 = Motor
Red = 3 = Motor +
Green = 5 = Sensor Brown Cable
White = 1 = Sensor White Cable.
If the connectors are functioning correctly then the unit may need adjustment of the sensor and
magnet located within the machine.
1. Tilt the drawbar upwards so the machine is resting on the wheels and end of the mudguards,
this will allow easier access. Remove the belly plate using a 17mm socket on the 8 bolts.
2. The sensor can be accessed though the recess in the slide plate shown in the RH corner of
the image below. You should not need to remove the slide plate to access the sensor. If you
do need to remove the slide plate for access, this can be achieved by unclipping the spring
from the slide plate and removing the 5 x bearings and associated bolts which locate the