FLW-717C Product Manual
Shenzhen City Chang Rui Technology Co., Ltd
The main setting is the subtitle function switch, display, font size, font color and background transparency.
Subtitled content can not be checked 60 characters, including punctuation, English monospaced display.
Due to the realization of splicing subtitles, the stitching required to synchronize, it must be a monospaced font.
2 is a synchronous caption function, its role is to refresh each screen captions to a uniform starting point, then do the
No signal LOGO stitching Features
This displays the power JPEG LOGO is under no signal, can be controlled by the stitching LOGO, LOGO LOGO master
switch just control whether or not to display the boot. To choose the size after stitching LOGO can be spliced, subtitles, too,
with the signal image stitching are separated.