Note: The weather radio’s charging output is 5V +/- 0.2V. Make sure your mobile
device is compatible with this voltage.
6. When you’re finished charging, disconnect the 2.5mm to USB cable from the weather
radio and place the rubber cover over the jacks again. Then put the weather radio’s
slide switch back in one of the AM, FM, or weather band positions (this helps the
weather radio conserve battery power).
Note: Phone talk time from charging varies from model to model. Mobile device
charging is limited due to the size of the weather radio’s internal battery. Charging
from the weather radio is intended for emergencies, to provide enough charge for an
emergency call or to send an emergency text. You can use the hand crank to continue
charging once the internal battery has run out of charge.
IMPORTANT: The weather radio may not charge all models of all brands. Phone
adapters are not included—use the adapter that came with your device.
Approximate Use Time of Flashlight
Weather Radio Status
Approximate flashlight use time
Battery fully charged (Weather Radio battery)
≥ 90 minutes
When battery level decreased to a level that
the lighting fades out/light intensity drops
to 200LUX, and user handcranks it for one
minute (speed ≥ 120 rev/min)
≥ 5 minutes
Approximate Use Time of Radio
Weather Radio Status
Approximate radio use time
Battery fully charged (Weather Radio battery)
≥ 180 minutes
When battery level decreases to a level that
the radio stops working, and user hand-cranks
it for one minute (speed ≥ 120 rev/min)
≥ 7 minutes