ADDING transmitters using the learn button
• Press and hold down the transmitter button you wish
to program to the opener.
• The orange LED will flash continuously to indicate it is
receiving signal from the transmitter.
• Press and release the learn button on the opener.
• The courtesy LED will flash once.
• Ensure the door is clear of obstruction, then test the
DELETING ALL transmitter codes
NOTE: This deletes all learned transmitters.
• Press and hold the learn button until the
orange indicator light goes out (approximately 9 sec).
Activate the opener only when door is in full view, free of obstruction and properly adjusted. No
one should enter or leave garage whilst door is in motion. Do not allow children to operate push
button(s) or transmitter(s). Do not allow children to play near the door.
Fix any wall control at a height of at least 1.5m and within sight of the door but away from any
moving parts.
NOTE: Your transmitter(s) have already been programmed into your opener.
NOTE: The Protector System
(IR Beams) MUST be installed to enable this feature.
The auto close feature will automatically close the garage door after the preset time. The time can be adjusted up
to 180 seconds using the trim pot located on the control board. Auto close can be disabled by adjusting the trim
pot to the minimum setting.
Installing and adjusting:
• Close the garage door.
• Turn the opener off.
• Remove the cover.
• Ensure the trim pot on the opener is set to the minimum setting.
• Install the Protector System
(IR Beams) using the brackets, wires and
instructions provided with the product. Twist the two white (only) wires together
and terminate them into the white (2) terminal. Twist the two white/black wires
together and terminate them into the grey (3) terminal.
• Turn the opener on.
• Allow 5 minutes for the beams to self-learn to the unit (do not walk through the beam during this time).
• Ensure the door is in the closed position, then adjust the trim pot to the desired closing time by turning the “auto
close (TTC)” trim pot anti-clockwise.
Test the timer close feature:
• Once the timer is set open the door and allow it to close via the “timer to close” feature.
NOTE: If more or less time is desired, adjust the trim pot whilst the door is closed then repeat test
outlined above.
Auto close is NOT recommended for households with young children.
Do not adjust the trim pot whilst the door is in the open position.
Door will activate when the trim pot is adjusted in the open position