Cetrek PROPILOT 700 Installation And Servicing Manual Download Page 22





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Press and hold the ADJ key, on power up, until the LCD


displays the Configuration message (approximately 3



Press either the < or > key to display the current setting in

the selection window (without changing the setting). Only

one Preset can be switched ON. When you select one, the

other two are automatically turned OFF.  Press the ADJ key

to re-enter the settings menu or repeatedly press either the

< or > key to select the required preset.  Press the ADJ key

to re-enter the settings menu or press the AUTO or OFF

key to exit this routine and store the new setting.


Rudder Limit

This sets the maximum rudder movement, either side of

amidships, obtainable under autopilot control.  The Propilot

will display ‘


’ when these limits are reached. The

range is from 0 (=3º) to 9 (=30º). Set the limit so that the

rudder does not quite touch its end stops.


Some steering systems have slack in them due to wear or


system design which gives a few uncontrolled degrees of

rudder movement. To stop the autopilot trying to correct

these small movements, which it can never successfully do,

the rudder deadband setting allows a small rudder

displacement from the required position without the

autopilot trying to correct the error.

Set this to the minimum value that avoids hunting of the

rudder. The range is from 0, (0º) to 9, (2º).

Counter Rudder At the end of a large course change the amount of rudder

is reduced as the vessel approaches the new heading to

prevent the vessel from overshooting. This may even result

in opposite helm being applied for a short time.  The rate at

which the reduction in the amount of rudder occurs is

known as Counter Rudder.

If this is set too high the vessel will not settle on to the new

heading quickly enough.  If the Counter Rudder is set too

low the vessel will overshoot and the pilot will have to

correct accordingly, possibly causing the vessel to oscillate

from side to side, before settling to the new heading.

Summary of Contents for PROPILOT 700

Page 1: ... 1 PROPILOT 700 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL 807 007 5 96 PROPILOT 700 With 618700 Software Installation and Servicing Manual ...

Page 2: ...MC Directivecanonlybeensuredbycorrectinstallation Itis strongly recommended that the installation conforms with thefollowingStandards SMALL CRAFT ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS a ISO 10133 ExtraLow VoltageDCInstallations b ISO 13297 AlternatingCurrentInstallations ISO InternationalStandardsOrganisation Theinformationcontainedinthismanualisbelievedtobeaccurateat thetimeofgoingtoprintbutnoresponsibility directo...

Page 3: ...LATION SETTINGS 20 Compass Alignment 20 Rudder Phasing 20 Rudder Feedback Unit 20 Motor Phasing 20 CONFIGURING YOUR AUTOPILOT 21 PresetConfigurations 21 InstallingaPresetConfiguration 22 Rudder Limit 22 Rudder Deadband 22 Counter Rudder 22 Trim 23 NavigatorInterfaceFormat 23 Navigator Gain 24 Power Steer Gain 24 Compass Damping 24 Auto deviation 24 T oE x i t 24 SEA TRIALS 25 Checks at the Docksid...

Page 4: ... 4 PROPILOT 700 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL 807 007 5 96 The System ...

Page 5: ...ries as well Powersteerremotecontrols RudderPositionIndicatorsandRepeaters Compass Repeaters ANavigator AsecondstationPropilot700Control A Brief TheDistributionBoxistheheartofthesystemandevery Overview thingconnectstothis Itcontainsthecomputersectionthat readsthedatafromthesensors i e therudderposition from the Rudder Feedback Unit the vessel s heading from the Compass It reads the helmsman s orde...

Page 6: ... INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL 807 007 5 96 PROPILOT 700 DIMENSIONS Note alsoallowadequate clearance forcableconnections toensurecablesarenotundulystressed 930 618 DISTRIBUTION BOX DIMENSIONS InstallingYourPropilot700 ...

Page 7: ...errorpleasecontactthesupplierofthe productimmediately Beforethedrillingorcuttingofanyholestakesplace please considertheexactlocationandcableroutingthatis requiredforeachunit Pleasereadthisinstallationsection andanyinstallationinformationsuppliedwithyourunits beforeyouinstallthesystem Caution Allexposed moving parts must besufficiently guarded to preventaccidentialdamagetopersonsorclothing Suggeste...

Page 8: ...erlyventilatedtoavoid high ambient temperatures and abnormal condensation l e v e l s Compass The Compass Sensor needs to be carefully located The Sensor optimumpositionistomountitonaconvenient vertical bulkhead aslowandasclosetothecentrelineoftheboat aspossible Onfastvessels itisadvisabletofitthecompass sensoratleasthalfwaybackalongthecentreline Onsteelvesselsitisnecessarytomountthesensor2to3 met...

Page 9: ...aT r i a l ss e c t i o n Furtherinstructionsonthelocationofthecompasssensor are included with each compass sensor despatched from C e t r e k sf a c t o r y Autopilot Intheinterestofsafetytheremustbeanautopilotcontrol Control within reach of the helmsman AT ALL TIMES Thisshouldbeinstalledinapositionconvenientforthe helmsman to operate it Rudder The Rudder Feedback Unit is connected directly to th...

Page 10: ...mechanical steeringsystems Thesize andposition ofaRotary Drive Unit should have beenspecifiedwhenoriginallyorderingthePilotSystem Theunitwillhavetobepositionedtoalignwiththe sprocketwhichwillbefittedtotheexistingmechanical steeringsystem Itisessentialtoensurethatastrong mechanical mounting is provided for these units as considerable loads are developed when under use InstallingYourPropilot700 ...

Page 11: ...noids ForeithersystemitisacceptabletouseaFusedswitchora Circuitbreaker ChangingthePhasingtoreversethe rotationofthemotorisexplainedlaterintheInstallation S e t t i n g s Good Wiring Havingdecidedonthelocationandpositionofeachunitit Practice isessentialtocheckthecablerunstoensurethatthereare no problems Allcablerunsshouldbekeptasclearaspossiblefromother cablescarryingRF radiofrequency pulsedsignals...

Page 12: ...DistributionBox Thefirstisforthelight dutyprimarysupplyfortheelectroniccontrolsystem The secondisfortheheavydutysupplyforthedriveunit IMPORTANT The Light Duty Suppy Switch must be located close to thePropilot700 toturntheautopilotonandoff Avoid running power and motor supply cables together or in the same conduit with control and compass cables to helpreducetheriskofinterference Itisgoodpracticeto...

Page 13: ...r t e Grun Verde W White Blanc he Weiss Blanco GY Grey G r i s e Graua G r i s Y Yellow Jaune Gelb Amarillo O Orange Orange Orange Naranja NC No connection Pasdelien Keinanschluss No conectar The Installation Schematic on page 14 shows the location of the connectors on the PCB and the relevant cable connections Caution Incorrectwiring e g reversepolarity cancause irreparable damage to some equipme...

Page 14: ... 14 PROPILOT 700 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL 807 007 5 96 InstallationSchematic ...

Page 15: ...Drives Should be connected as shown in the diagram below Links L1 L3 must be cut L4 must be moved to the Spool position Also ensure that adequatediodeprotectionisfittedtotheSpoolValvestopreventreversespikes damaging the FET s in the 930 618 A suitable diode is IN5401 or equivalent Cetrek units 930 102 930 112 have this protection built in 4 Set SW1 2 and 3 to OFF for 930 700 Ensure the 618700 Link...

Page 16: ...fNorthAmerica NMEA Yourautopilotwill only accept NMEA 0183 for autopilot control Inorderforthenavigatortooutputtherequired information itfirsthastobeprogrammedwithyour requireddestinationorwaypoints Thebasicinformation usedforautopilotcontrolis Crosstrackerror Thisisexpressedinunitsofone hundredthofanauticalmile 60ft andwhetherthe erroristoportorstarboardoftrack Alarmcondition Thisindicatesifinfor...

Page 17: ...vigatorto output the heading to the next waypoint and indicate that a new waypoint has been selected Because of this the operation when waypoints are reached will depend on the typeofdatareceivedfromyournavigator NMEA 0183 The Autopilot is capable of processing the following NMEA 0183messages Toobtainfulluseoftheinterfaceatleast one message containing Cross Track Error Heading to Waypoint and Wayp...

Page 18: ...nnected to the Distribution Box using the NAV1 port IftheNavigatorhasasinglewireoutputthenconnectitto the terminal marked SIG Switch SW7 to ON If the navigator has a two wire output then connect the positivesignaltothe SIG terminalandthenegative signaltothe SIG terminal SwitchSW7toOFF TheInstallationSettingsexplainhowtoselectthegain v a l u e s InstallingOptionalEquipment ...

Page 19: ...se Change in conjunction 2 P 226 PowerSteerSelected withCourse Selector Knob OFF 1 Return to Standby from Drive Mode None 2 Return from Background Menu N A V 1 14 CrossTrackErrordisplay 2 N 226 Selects Nav Control shows heading being followed ADJ SelectsSeaStateSettings Press and hold ADJ Key on Power up to ru Rudder selectConfigurationSettings re Response Use or to change values Shows Rudder Posi...

Page 20: ...nsits Tighten the clamp andrefitthefrontcover Rudder RudderPhasingiscarriedouttoensuretherudder Phasing indicationcorrespondswiththedirectionsteered Connect the wires from the Rudder Feedback Unit inside the Distribution Box When Dockside Checks are performed inStandby iftherudderindicatordisplaysthe opposite direction to the rudder movement reverse the 930 807 Red and Black wires Rudder The Rudde...

Page 21: ...ngisalistofthevaluesthatthePreset ConfigurationswillsettheAutopilotto includingthosefor equipment that you may not have connected Notice that the Rudder Ratio and Response settings also change These settingsareonlyintendedasageneralguide Ifadjustmentsaremadetothepresetvaluesforaboat type makeanoteofthesettings Iffurtheradjustmentsare tried toseeiftheyimproveperformance thereisnota restorefunctiont...

Page 22: ...3º to9 30º Setthelimitsothatthe rudderdoesnotquitetouchitsendstops Rudder Some steering systems have slack in them due to wear or Deadband system design which gives a few uncontrolled degrees of rudder movement To stop the autopilot trying to correct these small movements which it can never successfully do the rudder deadband setting allows a small rudder displacement from the required position wi...

Page 23: ...sterthestandinghelmis applied Thisshouldbesetsothattheautopilotwilltrim thevesseltothecorrectcoursewithin60seconds Onsinglescrewedvesselsorsailingyachtsitisonly possibletochecktheTrimsettingwhileusingthecraft when forexample theprevailingconditionscausethe vesseltosteerwithoffsetrudder ThecorrectTrim adjustmentsettingforthesetypesofvesselisthereforebest found by experience To check the Trim adjust...

Page 24: ...applied to the readings Damping from the heading sensor to avoid rapid changes of the heading display The range is from 0 minimum damping to 9 maximum damping Generally the higher the sensor is above the waterline the more damping is required Compass Damping is one element of the standard configurations preprogrammed into the autopilot s memory As with the other configurations the damping can be f...

Page 25: ...placementorplaning CheckthattheRudderPositiondisplayindicatestherudder moving to the left when the helm is turned to Port and to therightwhenitisturnedtoStarboard Ifnot reversethe RudderFeedbackUnitphasing seetheInstallationSettings e a r l i e r Check that the rudder position indicator displays PR00 or SR00 when the rudder is in the position normally requiredtosteerthevesselinastraightline Alsoch...

Page 26: ...and AUTO keys of any additionalControlUnit sfunctioncorrectly Sea trials can now be carried out to set the compass deviationcorrectionsandtodeterminethebestsettingsfor optimum autopilot performance Checks at Sea Itisdangeroustocarryoutthesetrialsinrestrictedorbusy waters Calm sea conditions are required to carry out the Automatic DeviationCorrectionprocedure averageseaconditionsare preferableforth...

Page 27: ...tion Thefirstturncorrectsforhardiron errors thesecondforsoftironerrors Itisnotnecessarytoturntheboatataconstantratenor willmomentarilystoppingtherotationaffectthedeviation correctionprocedure Turningthevesselinananticlockwise directionduringthecorrectionprocedureshouldbe avoidedasthiscanleadtoerroneouscorrectionvalues Thedeviationcorrectionfacilityisnotaccessibleuntil10 seconds after power up of t...

Page 28: ...esselhasbeen turnedtooquicklyandrequiresanadditionalturnata slowerrate ThiscompletestheAutodeviationcorrectionroutine Press the OFF or ADJ key to return to the mode you require You should now check that the compass heading agrees with the vessel s true heading and does not need manually realigning The compass should also be checked against known headings to check the accuracy of the compass known ...

Page 29: ...20mm cartridge Clutch output FS3 1 25 amp QB Ø5mm x 20mm cartridge Motor Supply logic Absolute Operation at or above the Absolute Maximum ratings may Maximum cause permanent damage to the equipment Ratings over Maximum Supply Voltage 32 volts DC Operating Allinputvoltages exceptNAVPort 0 7 to 5 5 volts DC Temperature NAV Port 15 to 15 volts DC Range Nominal 0 to 5v Maximum motor drive current Fact...

Page 30: ...ht way DIL switch on the PCB which is used tochangethewaytheDistributionBoxfunctions It is situatedinthetoprightquadrantofthePCBwithswitch one SW1 being nearest the centre of the board The ON position is defined as when the switch is pushed up towardstheFET s Thefunctionsoftheswitchesareasfollows SW5 Switch to the ON position when using a Rudder Feedback Unitthathasnointegrallimitswitches i e 9308...

Page 31: ...aticSensitiveDevices 7 Readthe GoodWiringPractice adviceinthe Installing YourAutopilot sectionearlier Faults Possible cause and remedy CheckthepowersuppliestotheDistribution Box IntheDistributionBoxPCB Check Fuse 1 Check the supplies from the DistributionBox Brown and Violet wires at PORT B Check that the link to the Brown wire is at 0V when you turn the autopilot on ifnot thensuspectfaultinthewir...

Page 32: ...yhadabadcellorcorroded connections It is recommended to supply the autopilot withpowerfromadifferentbatterytotheotherauxiliary requirements This may happen very occasionally due to a momentary lossofsynchronizationduringpowerup Theselftest softwarereportsallerrorsofthistypetohelpanticipate potentialproblems Unlessthishappensrepeatedlyitisof l i t t l ec o n c e r n securely Checkforanyloosemateria...

Page 33: ...ibution Box are switched ON If using a Rudder FeedbackUnitwithintegrallimitswitches checkthatthe switchesareworking OtherwisesuspectadriveFETorlogicfailureonthe DistributionBoxPCB Lowbatteryvoltage Motorcableorsupplycabletoosmall Motorfaulty Checkbrushesetc Onhydraulicsystemscheckhydraulicfluidlevel On mechanical systems check that the Clutch output and Motor Clutch are working Indicatesawiringerr...

Page 34: ...omaticallyswitchto StandbyMode PresstheAUTOorOFFkey Ifthisfailstoclearthealarm refertotheTroubleshootingGuide EPROM ERROR Autopilotwillautomaticallyswitchto StandbyMode PresstheAUTOorOFFkey Ifthisfailstoclearthealarm refertotheTroubleshootingGuide RUDDER FEEDBACK FAULT Autopilotwillautomaticallyswitchto StandbyMode PresstheAUTOorOFFkey Ifthisfailstoclearthealarm refertotheTroubleshootingGuide NO R...

Page 35: ...tortimingisincorrect Check theNavigatorset upandwiring IndicatesalossofNavigatorsignaloranincorrectformat Check the Data output from the Navigator check the connections between the Navigator and the main autopilot TheredLEDNav1intheDistributionBoxflashes ifdataisreceived Ifthismessageoccursrepeatedlythen suspectabadwiring connection noiseonthedata lineora faultintheNavigator Thisfaultwillresetauto...

Page 36: ...your Cetrek Dealer or Assistance Distributor itwouldsavetimeifyoucouldmakeanoteof thefollowingdetailsforthem Model Number SerialNumber Software Version Number Adescriptionofthefailure Error and Fault Messages Installation Inadditiontotheinstallationinformationcontainedwithin Code of Practice thismanual the CodeofPracticeforElectricaland ElectronicInstallationsinBoats producedbytheBMEA is recommend...

Page 37: ... 37 PROPILOT 700 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL 807 007 5 96 Rudder Angle Template ...

Page 38: ... 38 PROPILOT 700 INSTALLATION SERVICING MANUAL 807 007 5 96 ...

Page 39: ...upply 12 DeviationCorrection 27 DILswitch 15 30 33 Dimensions 6 DisplacementVessel Presets 22 24 DistributionBox 5 7 8 11 12 29 DriveUnits 5 7 E Error Messages 34 F Fail Safe Watchdog 31 Fault Messages 34 F i e l dE f f e c tT r a n s i s t o r F E T 30 33 FrontPanelFunctions 19 Fuse 7 11 12 29 H Heavy Duty Supply 7 11 12 Hydraulicsteering 11 I InstallationSchematic 14 I n s t a l l a t i o nS e t...

Page 40: ...der Angle Template 37 Deadband 21 22 L i m i t 21 22 Phasing 9 20 25 Rudder Feedback Unit 5 7 9 20 S S e aT r i a l s 25 Semi displacementVessel Presets 22 24 Software changing 30 SolenoidDrives 15 Standing Helm 23 S t e e lV e s s e l s 8 Storage Temperature 29 Supply 7 8 11 12 15 29 Switches 30 SystemFaults 21 31 32 T Temperature 29 Transmittingaerials 11 Trim 17 21 23 26 Troubleshooting 31 W Wa...
