CET - s.r.l.
Vers. 1.1
LCM 60
Pag. 4
The programmable parameters are divided in two groups and protect with a 4 figures code.
In order to approach the programming, proceed in the following way:
- Press key
for about 2 sec. On the display appears:
in order to approach the parameters of group 1, insert code
and press
Active or excluded memory.
This parameter allows to program the saving of the current counter value during the power off
the instrument.
MEM.on. = memorization of the count during the power off. When power on the instrument the
display will visualize the last present value in the power off phase.
MEM.of. = excluded memorization of the count; every time that the instrument comes powered
off and then powered on the count comes lost and the instrument restart always from the initial
RESET Key ON / OFF; this programming enables and disables the RESET function of frontal
key RES during the operation of the counter. The disabling does not allow to reset the counter
and the totalizer.
RES.on = RESET function of key RES enabled
RES.of. = RESET function of key RES disabled
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Programming of the Decimal Point of the Counter and the Totalizer.
This programming allows to add a decimal point to the visualization on the 5 digits, in order to
obtain counts with various resolutions.
d.p. = 0 Decimal Point excluded; visualization 999999
d.p. = 1 Decimal Point on the second display from right; visualization 99999,9
d.p. = 2 Decimal Point on the third party display from right; visualization 9999,99
d.p. = 3 Decimal Point on the quarter display from right; visualization 999,999
d.p. = 4 Decimal Point on fifth display from right; visualization 99,9999
d.p. = 5 Decimal Point on sixth display from right; visualization 9,99999
Attention, the Decimal Point is only fictitious, it doesn't realize any conversion.
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Activation mode of the programmed parameters.
With this programming is possible to activate the executed programmings directly to the exit of
the programming or, when exited of the programming, after a RESET (with frontal key or from
rear input)
A.P. = P. Activation of the parameters to the exit of the programming.
A.P. = r. Activation of the parameters to the exit of the programming after a RESET.
Pressing the key
the totalizer of impulses will be visualized for 5 sec.
The totalizer visualizes all the impulses that the instrument counts from its input IN1.
It can be resetted through frontal key RES only or from RESET input when it is visualized on
the display.