8. Press button 10 to confirm that receiver, or press button 9 to deny that receiver
and move to the next receiver.
Once confirmed, the first receiver is stored in memory as RX#1 (bridge/main line control).
It closes its mainline relay, which supplies power to the second receiver. The transmitter
then starts the nomination process again for RX#2 (trolley/hoist control).
9. Press button 10 to confirm RX#2.
The TX/RX LED starts blinking rapidly, indicating communication is established.
The selected receiver is stored in the transmitter memory slot as RX#2.
10. Once the two desired receivers are stored, press the HORN/START button.
The transmitter launches into normal operating mode, communicating with both selected
Note: With this split bridge, trolley/hoist receiver setup; after the first receiver is
selected, the transmitter will automatically detect the second receiver.