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Mounting of ITX Suspended Solids Sensor
The ITX is mounted on a telescopic fiberglass rod and placed in a mounting bracket that
fastens to a handrail. Please refer to Appendix 1. As an alternative way of mounting the
sensor, an adjustable slide rail holder is available, please refer to the Appendix 2 for
further details.
When the sensor is measuring in a fume, it is important to find a place where the
suspended solids concentration is representative.
Make sure the flushing nozzle is downstream from the lenses pointing against the
stream. This will avoid having the measurement disturbed by turbulence from the
nozzle. At the same time it will produce a shield around the nozzle, due to a constant
over pressure, preventing particles from getting in.
Cable Connections
Connect the sensor to the BB2 control box using the attached connector on the end of
the sensor cable. In the event that two sensors are to be connected to the same BB2
control box, use the Y-splitter.
Never try to turn the connector housing to fasten or remove the connector, only
the fluted ring at the top of the connector shall be turned.
Installation Tips
Adjust the rod so that the sensor is at least 12” below the liquid surface or the lowest
water level in decant applications to prevent the sensor from coming out of the
In an aeration tank, ensure that the sensor is not directly above a diffuser head. It
should be on the backside of the rolling diffuser effect.
Flushing may not be required if the tank is well agitated. To verify the need for
flushing, remove the sensor from the liquid after it has been in the liquid for several
days. Place the sensor in a bucket of clean water and note the concentration value.
If the value does not get close to zero, then the flush system should be utilized.
When installing in a clarifier, compressed air flushing is required due to no agitation
of liquid and to remove oil and grease film on lens. This is especially applicable in
primary clarifiers.
When using the ITX for influent applications, always install the unit after the bar
screen. If the bar screen spacing is larger than ¼ ’ (6 mm), then a baffle or diffuser
plate should be installed in front of sensor to prevent rags from catching on the
sensor head. On influent applications, compressed air flushing is recommended due
to the oil or grease in the liquid.
In effluent applications a CTX type of sensor is recommended, it has better
resolution at low concentrations.