Copyright Century UK Limited 2018 www.centuryuk.com
Revision V1.0
Connect the two black aileron
servo plugs from the wing
to the Y- lead as shown. The
plugs can only be inserted
easily one way round. Make
sure the signal wires match
up (signal is either white or
The remaining red and black
wires (2 core) from the wing
are for the model’s built-
in LED lighting system and
should be connected to the
Y-lead with the black and red
6. Wing Assembly
Locate the 500mm aluminium
wing joining spar and slide
into the round aperture of one
wing panel up to the centre
locating collar. Locate the
small plywood wing locking
plate and insert into the
rectangular aperture behind
the main wing spar, (image G).
Slide the remaining wing panel
onto the exposed portion
of the aluminium spar. The
plywood locking plate will ensure perfect alignment of the two wing halves. Be certain that all
wires are routed correctly via the moulded slots and do not foul the joint between the wing roots.
If desired, a small amount of foam glue can be used for maximum security.
The 2 Y-leads can then be
threaded through the hole in
the fuselage and plugged in
to the corresponding channels
on your reciever.