Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental & Energy Solutions Division of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Rolle, Z.A. La Pièce 16, Switzerland by its Authorized
Honeywell GmbH
Böblinger Strasse 17
71101 Schönaich, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 7031 637 845
+49 (0) 7031 637 740
Subject to change without notice
EN1Z-1027GE51 R0517
Restore Options
The restore options are displayed when restoring a controller (platform and station) that was backed up to a USB
flash drive.
The restore options display when you connect to the controller using a USB-to-Micro USB cable and run a terminal
This Platform's ID is hostid
Please make your selection below
1) Abort Recovery/Restore mode
2) Show backups for other host IDs
3) backup file name
Where: backup file name is the name of the backup file on the USB flash drive:
(hostid (unique host ID of the controller), underscore (_) timestamp)
Menu item
1) Abort Recovery/Restore mode
Allows you to abandon the process of recovering or
restoring a USB backup.
2) Factory Recovery **ALL DATA WILL BE LOST!!**
Recovers the controller to its factory default state.
3) Show backups for other host IDs
Displays all backups on the UPS flash drive.
–n) hostid_timestamp
Displays the USB backup file name, where:
is the option number.
is the host name.
identifies the date and time when the backup
was made.
Shutdown Operations
The information below describes how the shutdown operation works.
To initiate a shutdown press and hold the Shutdown button on the enclosure. When the controller detects that the
Shutdown button is being pressed, it enters the shutdown mode. This is indicated by the Backup LED flashing the
alert mode pattern (100 msec ON, 100 msec OFF).
To verify that the Shutdown button is functioning and not in a failed state, the controller must detect the button
release before proceeding. Once the button is released, the controller puts the software in a safe state. During this
process, the Backup LED toggles with the work pattern (1 s ON, 1 s OFF). Once the software has successfully
completed its process, it notifies the controller that it is safe to shutdown. The controller turns OFF the Backup LED,
indicating it is safe to remove power.
In the event that the software is unable to put the system into a safe state, the software notifies the controller that it
could not complete the request. The controller then indicates this by toggling the Backup LED with the error pattern
(200 msec ON, 200 msec OFF, 200 msec ON, 3 s OFF).