ImPOrtant: clean the spray gun ImmedIately after use.
Improper cleaning will cause the spray gun not to work.
SKU 66801
Page 2
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353;
troubleshooting section near the end of manual.
saFety alert symbOl and
sIgnal wOrds .............................3
ImPOrtant saFety
InstructIOns .......................... 3
general ...........................................3
wOrk area ......................................3
PersOnal saFety .........................4
tOOl use and care ......................4
serVIce ............................................5
aIr sOurce ......................................5
symbOls and sPecIFIc
saFety InstructIOns ........... 6
symbOl deFInItIOns .....................6
FunctIOnal descrIPtIOn ....... 8
sPecIFIcatIOns ..............................8
cOmPOnents and cOntrOls ....8
InItIal tOOl set uP/
assembly .................................. 8
unPackIng .......................................9
aIr suPPly .......................................9
OPeratIng InstructIOns .... 10
tOOl set uP ..................................10
wOrk PIece and wOrk area
set uP .......................................... 11
general OPeratIng
InstructIOns ............................12
InstructIOns ........................ 14
cleanIng, maIntenance, and
lubrIcatIOn ...............................14
trOublesHOOtIng ......................17
(cOntInued) ................................18
Parts lIst ................................. 19
assembly dIagram ................ 19
lImIted 90 day warranty .... 20