pg. 9
Return Set Point
Menu 1, parameter 0152
– ensure this is set at 0.
Menu 1, parameter 0153
– adjust the set point as
required (typically 45 for underfloor heating).
Weather Compensation
Menu 1, parameter 0152
– change to 1.
Menu 1, parameter 0159
– set the compensation curve from the graph below.
Domestic Hot Water
It is essential that the correct cylinder coil is used. Use a Baxi Twin Coil Cylinder or check
with CHNZ if an alternative tank is being used. It is also advised that a temperature set
point of 50
There are 2 set points for DHW, Comfort and Economy. The comfort set point is the
required set point that needs to be changed.
We enable the Comfort set point by setting
0015 to 1
and then setting 0023:
Menu 0, parameter 0015
– ensure this is set to 1 (1= comfort, 0= economy)
Menu 0, parameter 0023
– set the comfort set point to 50
B5. Testing the Heating
First start the heat pump in heating mode only to check
Using the mode button on the top left of the Nadi room
controller press until the sun symbol shows.