pg. 13
C5. Testing the Heating
First start the heat pump in heating mode only to check
Using the mode button on the top left of the Nadi room
controller press until the sun symbol shows.
C6. Test the DHW
To test the DHW, switch on the DHW on the Nadi controller, the
symbol should appear.
The 3-way valve sho
uld turn to the “open” position.
Valve actuator points to OPEN position
when DHW is being heated.
Notch position when being installed: A to
left and AB to right. DHW on AB side.
Notch is in the heating position as shown
above; Rotates 90 degrees to the right
when activated to supply DHW
The heat pump may stop for a while and then resume or it may continue to run. Either
way, while the compressor is running, the three way valve will swing over to the open
position and start to heat the cylinder. Check for the correct function.
The actual temperature in the hot water cylinder is parameter 0902.
C7. What you see if the heat pump is trying to provide heating
Before the heat pump runs the compressor to produce heat it first runs
it’s circulating
pump to test the temperature of the water passing through the heat pump. This is known
as “sniffing”.
When the heat pump is sniffing the pump symbol,
, at the bottom of the screen will flash.
This will keep flashing as long as the sniffing is in process. This is defaulted at 3 minutes.
In addition once the water has reached temperature the heat pump will also sniff for a
period of 10 minutes (default).