2. Exemption according to ADR,
sub-section c), related to the
nature of the transportation operation
The provisions laid down in the ADR regulations
do not apply to the carriage undertaken by enter-
prises which is ancillary to their main activity,
such as deliveries to or returns from building or
civil engineering sites, or in relation to surveying,
repairs and maintenance, in quantities of not
more than 450 litres per packaging and within
the maximum quantity specified in ADR, sub-
section (333 l for fuel). Nevertheless,
measures must be taken to prevent any leakage
of the contents under normal conditions of carria-
ge, i.e. all openings of the tank and the ball valve
(item d) must be closed.
Important: This ADR exemption does not apply
if the sole purpose of the journey is the internal
or external supply of equipment with fuel and not
for direct consumption in accordance with RSEB
1-5.1. In this case, ADR-approved transport con-
tainers are required.
3. Technical data
KS-Mobil Easy 120 L
Dimensions (without flap lid):
L x W x H 80 x 60 x 45 cm
(with closed flap lid):
L x W x H 80 x 60 x 47 cm
(with open flap lid):
L x W x H 96 x 60 x 108 cm
Weight when empty: without/with flap lid:
approx. 23/26 kg
Nominal volume:
120 L
Total weight filled:
without flap lid approx. 110 kg
with flap lid
approx. 113 kg
Delivery rate of hand pump:
approx. 25 l/min
Delivery nozzle:
Spout diameter 20 mm
KS-Mobil Easy 190 L
Dimensions (without flap lid):
L x W x H 80 x 60 x 59 cm
(with closed flap lid):
L x W x H 80 x 60 x 61 cm
(with open flap lid):
L x W x H 96 x 60 x 122 cm
Weight when empty: without/with flap lid
approx. 25/28 kg
Nominal volume:
190 L
Total weight filled:
without flap lid approx. 162 kg
with flap lid
approx. 165 kg
Delivery rate of hand pump:
approx. 25 l/min
Delivery nozzle:
Spout diameter 20 mm