7.1) Dangers deriving from the cutting process
How to avoid
Kickback may cause fatal injuries.
When using the machine in manual mode, during the phase of approaching the rail, ensure that
the contact between the disc and the rail does not occur in the disc’s upper quadrant (“risk of
kickback zone”), as this may cause a sudden and unexpected reaction from the machine which
would be thrown towards the operator, with possible serious consequences for safety.
To avoid such a reaction, follow the rules outlined below:
– The cutting operation must never start in the upper
quadrant of the cutting disc (see fi gure).
– While working, stand in a safe and stable position
and grasp the handle fi rmly.
– Approach the rail carefully at the start of the cutting
– With a cut that has already been started, insert the
disc very carefully at maximum speed.
Pull in
Pull in occurs when the cutting disc catches
unexpectedly during operation and the rail saw is
violently pulled downwards; this can happen if the
cut closes and the disc jams.
To avoid pull in, ensure that the cut stays open
during the whole process. Check that the rail saw
is stable or resting on supports placed as illustrated
in the lower, on the right.
• Overturning
Ensure that the rail is stable or is resting on solid
Attach the arm on the stable side of the rail.
To cut short rail sections, the section must be sta-
bilised with appropriate fi xtures to avoid the risk
of unexpected machine movement; the stabilising
Cembre type SSR1
fulfi ls this function and
is available as an accessory.
stabilising support