Page 15
movIng And edItIng wIthIn menuS
Some menus provide options to move around on screen and to edit characters or
values in specific locations.
Moving is accomplished using knob 1 when it shows the following in its associated
editing is accomplished using knob 2 when it shows the following in its associated
The status page reports the current audio and network status of the DnS 8 live.
no editing is possible on this page.
In the example above, 44.1kHz audio is being received on channels 1 and 2 of
the Xlr inputs, but no audio is being received on channels 3 to 8. no aeS11 sync
signal has been detected at the BnC input.
The page is also reporting the unit’s MaC and IP addresses.
Note: If the Input field shows ‘!BYP!’ then the fail-safe bypass has been triggered
and the unit must be power-cycled to clear it.