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No channel can be in two groups simultaneously.
This architecture allows you to create desirable combinations such as dual
4-channel operation, or four stereo pairs.
detAIL vIew
Press S3 in the default display to enter Detail view. This offers a multi-band view
of the current channel, and allows you to control each of the bands independently.
The main display shows two banks of six faders. The bands that they represent are
spaced from approximately 20Hz (leftmost) to approximately 20kHz (rightmost).
Screen and knob 7
Screen 7 displays the same overall level and Gain information for the current
channel as was shown in the summary view, and knob 7 operates as it did in the
summary view, as follows:
adjust the overall Level / Gain (i.e. adjust all six bands
toggle the focus between the levels and the Gains
toggle the current channel/group on/off
preview the current channel/group on/off
Screens and knobs 1 - 6
These allow access to the settings for the individual bands as follows:
adjust the Level and the Gain in each of the six bands
toggle the focus between the level and the Gain
toggle this band on/off (by setting its Gain to 0dB)
preview this band on/off
click two encoders to set the enclosed bands to the
same settings
Screen and knob 8
These allow you to step through the channels/groups.