14. Milt-Media
14.1 Camera
Through this function, you can make photos by phone camera; also adjust the settings of camera. The camera lens
is located at the bottom of the mobile phone, and with cell phone screen as viewfinder window. Cameras generated
photographs are JPG format. If downloaded to a computer, please use the right software to View.
If the phone has no enough storage space to start a new photo, you need to remove some old photographs or to
release other documents storage space from my document.
14.2 Image Viewer
1) View
2) Brows mode
3) Forward
4) Rename
5) Delete
6) Delete all files
7) Sort
8) Storage
14.3 Video Recorder
1) To player
2) Camcorder Setting
- White balance
- EV
- Night Mode
- Banding
3) Video setting
- Video quality
- File Size limit
- Record Time Limit
- Record Audio
- Encode Format
4) Effect Setting
5) Storage
6) Restore Default
14.4 Video Play
1) Play
2) Forward
3) Rename
4) Delete
5) Delete all files
6) Sort
7) Storage