CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment inc.
The insulation and bricking are completed. Here’s how to put together the pans and stack.
1. Set the pans on the evaporator starting with the flue pan. Make sure the back of the pan
touches the back plate (or the reheat pan if you have one). Then, install the syrup pans in the
front. Make sure the evaporator and the pan are leveled. Finally, tighten the pans together
using the pan tightener.
2. Install the float boxes, all the connections and the level(s). Hook the sap / concentrate line
from the tank to the back of the rear float box. The bottom of the tank needs to be at least
12” higher than the maximum level in the evaporator. Don’t forget to put Teflon tape on the
threaded parts to avoid leaks.
3. Install the base stack on the back of the evaporator.
4. Install the first section of smoke stack (the one with the Venturi system), on top of the base
5. Install the roof jacks on the roof. Make sure you seal the installation properly to avoid leaks
inside the sugarhouse.
Front float box
Sap entry
(back of float box)
Rear float box
Base stack
Flue pan
Pan tightener
Syrup pan
Draw-off valve