CCT730 V1.1
1 RS-485 ID Set up
2 RS- 485 Protocol
3 Software Information
4 Exit
Software Information
1 CPU Filename D6SE0100
2 FPGA Filename
3 Date 2002/ 01/23
4 Video System NTSC
5 DSP BD HW SK1V3302
5 DSP BD SW SK1V3300
6 Exit
RS-485 Protocol
1 Baud Rate: 9600
2 Bits: 8
3 Stop: 1
4 Parity: None
5 Exit
Save/ Load Default
1 Load Installer Setting
2 Save Installer Setting
3 Load Factory Setting
4 Load Factory Password
5 Exit
Load Installer Setting
1 Save/ Load: No
2 Save/ Load: Yes
3 Exit
6.7 Others
This menu allows you to check the RS485 communication protocol
and software version.
6.7.1 RS-485 ID Set Up
This item can only be accessed by the installer; the RS-485 ID
address of the CCT730 can be modified here.
6.7.2 RS-485 Protocol
This menu shows the details of RS-485 protocol. The only setting
that can be changed here is the “Baud Rate”. You can choose form
38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 and 2400.
6.7.3 Software Information
This menu presents the software information.
6.8 Save/ Load Default
This menu allows you to restore the CCT730 to the default installer or
factory configuration settings.
Load Installer Setting
This item allows you to recall the original “Installer Setting” from the
on-board non-volatile memory.
Save Installer Setting
This item allows you to save the current setting as the new “Installer setting”. This operation can
only be executed with an engineer’s password otherwise an illegal operation message will be
Load Factory Setting
This item allows you to recall the default “Factory Setting” from the read only memory.
Load Factory Password
This item allows you to reload the factory password in case you forget your own password.