6. Restart the water supply.
7. Connect the power cable for the motor to the
power source.
8. It is recommended that the Zero Thrust Gun trigger
be in the open or “ON” position (Figure 9) when
starting the motor.
9. Depress the green “START” button on the motor
controller (Figure 8) mounted on top of the motor
to start the motor.
10. The system is now ready to operate (refer to photo
on cover for overall system set-up).
Figure 8
Figure 9
Although the CaviBlaster
system is safe to use when
submerged in water, the system generates a high-
pressure (up to 2,200-psi) water stream, which can cause
injury when the Zero Thrust Gun is out of the water.
keep the Zero Thrust Gun submerged when the
pressure pump is engaged.
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For more information please email [email protected] or call 1-(352)275-5319