background image


Abnormal display

The display remains blank when the button is pressed.

Replace the PADRONE DIGITAL battery.

Incorrect data appear.

Press only the AC button on the back of the PADRONE DIGITAL to restart it.
The setting values will be maintained.

Why are measurement values flashing?

If using a Cateye sensor, measured values start flashing to indicate that there is little remaining 
battery life in the relevant sensor.
Replace the battery for the relevant sensor.

Errors when using Cateye Cycling™ (Smartphone)

Cannot connect a paired PADRONE DIGITAL with a smartphone (Cateye Cycling™)

Restart Cateye Cycling™. If this does not resolve the issue, restart your smartphone.

 (import button) to import summary data is not displayed in the Activity List


Have you reset the PADRONE DIGITAL?

To import summary data using Cateye Cycling™, the PADRONE DIGITAL must be reset (MODE 
pressed for longer than 2 seconds on any display other than Dst2).


If the PADRONE DIGITAL was reset but   (import button) is not displayed:

Measurements for trips of 0.1 km or less are not recorded as summary data.

Cannot upload data


Have you setup the account for each service site?

From   (Menu) in the smartphone app (Cateye Cycling™), tap [Account] and enter the 

account information for each site.


Cannot share on Facebook or Twitter

In Cateye Cycling™, tap   (Menu) > [Account], and turn off Facebook and Twitter 

temporarily, and then turn them back on to solve the problem.




