3- Place the temperature sensor in the contai-
ner, which will be with the selected medium.
4- Select the desired temperature of the liquid
medium with which you want to cook (as in
the previous case 20-180°).
5- Select the core temperature at which you
want to reach the desired cooking point for
your food. The ROCOOK allows you to pro-
gram a minimum core temperature of 40°
and a maximum of 85°.
6- Press PLAY to start heating the liquid me-
dium to the desired temperature. The sta-
tus LED of the cooking bar lights blue fixed.
7- When the liquid medium reaches the selec-
ted temperature, the ROCOOK warns you
with a flashing blue LED on the cooking sta-
tus bar, and an intermittent beep. It is time
to connect the core probe in the temperatu-
re sensor, to poke the core probe in the food
and insert the food into the liquid medium.
8- Press PLAY to start the cooking process.
The temperature of the liquid medium will
be kept at the previously selected tempera-
ture until the inner part of the food (poked
with the probe) reaches the core tempera-
ture that we have previously scheduled.
9- When the ROCOOK is done it will warn you
with a beep, with the final message and the
green LED on, remove the food and serve it.
5.2-Traditional cooking with power levels
The ROCOOK also allows you to cook with
power levels (traditional), selecting the desi-
red power. Power levels range from 0 to 9 / P
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