SERVICE MANUAL | 25 Frame Plunger Pumps
(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] | www.catpumps.com
Servicing the Seals
1.04 If the V-packing spacers remain in the
discharge manifold, use two (2) flat tip
screwdrivers on opposite sides to pry the
spacers loose from the manifold and remove.
1.06 Inspect O-ring and backup ring for damage.
1.05 If the V-packing spacers remain in the
inlet manifold, remove by inserting two
screwdrivers on opposite sides to pry out
of chamber.
1.01 Use a 10 mm hex socket to remove the six
(6) hex socket head screws (HSH) from the
discharge manifold.
1.02 Support the manifold from underneath.
Using a rubber mallet, tap the manifold to
separate from the inlet manifold and remove
1.03 Place the discharge manifold on a flat surface
with the V-packing spacer bores facing up.
1.07 Using a pick, remove both sets of O-rings and
backup rings from V-packing spacers.
1.08 Use a small pick to remove inlet manifold
The discharge manifold is very heavy so
use caution. Be sure to properly support the bottom
of the manifold to avoid injury.
NOTE: One (1) seal kit is required to repair the pump (see data sheet PN 99DAT090).