SERVICE MANUAL | 25 Frame Plunger Pumps
(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] | www.catpumps.com
1.38 Press low-pressure seal washer onto seal
1.29 Install barrier slinger with dish side facing
away from crankcase.
1.30 Install keyhole washer. The slot can face any
1.31 Replace plunger retainer O-ring with new one
from seal kit and apply a lubricant to outside
Servicing the Seals
1.32 Look for stepped side of plunger. This side
goes towards the pump crankcase.
1.35 Thread plunger assembly onto plunger rod
by hand.
1.33 Insert plunger retainer with O-ring and
backup ring into non-stepped side of plunger.
1.36 Using a 14 mm combination wrench, torque
to 108 in-lbs, 7.5 ft-lbs or 10 Nm.
1.34 Place a drop of Loctite® 242®on the threaded
end of the plunger rod.
1.37 Install seal retainer with wick tab facing down
towards the oil pan.
Loctite and 242 are registered trademarks of the Henkel Corporation.