Caso B 2000 High Speed Smoothie Blender
If you use wild herbs, make sure that they are not toxic.
Nutritional vitamins are mainly located in the peel. Use organic fruits and organic
vegetables, so that you can use the peel.
Always fill soft and liquid ingredients first, then the harder ingredients. Wash the fruit and
vegetables and cut it into pieces. Fill the ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix them at
the highest level, until the desired consistency is reached.
Add to all recipes water as desired.
Alternatively, you can also use cold green tea and various fruit juices.
Green Smoothies
Spinat Bananen Mango Smoothie
2 Handvoll Blattspinat
1 reife Mango
2 Bananen
Petersilien Power
1 Bund Petersilie
1 Apfel
1 Banane
1 Salatgurke
Classic green Smoothie
2 Handvoll Blattspinat
1 Banane
1 süßer Apfel
½ weiche Avocado
1/4 ungeschälte Biozitrone
Bananen Spinat Smoothie
3 Bananen
50 g Salatgurke
50 g Spinat
Nach Wunsch Kresse oder Sprossen
Start in den Tag
1 Handvoll Radieschenblätter
1 reife Banane oder zwei große geschälte Kiwis
1 Apfel
Etwas Zitronensaft und Öl
100 ml Mineralwasser oder kalten grünen Tee
green smoothies
spinach banana mango smoothie
2 handfuls of spinach
1 ripe mango
2 bananas
parsley power
1 bunch of parsley
1 apple
1 banana
1 cucumber
classic green smoothie
2 handfuls of spinach
1 banana
1 sweet apple
½ soft avocado
1/4 unpeeled organic lemon
banana spinach smoothie
3 bananas
50g cucumber
50 g spinach
if desired, cress or sprouts
start in to the day
1 handful of radish leaves
1 ripe banana or two large peeled kiwis
1 apple
a little lemon juice and oil
100 ml mineral water or cold green tea