7.9.2 Windows 3.1 Communication Functions
To perform communication with IrDA use API of MS-Windows. The following table lists the
specifications of the available communication functions.
List of communication functions
Function Description Page
BuildCommDCB Sets the control codes to the device control block (DCB). 110
ClearCommBreak Clears the break state of the communication device. 111
CloseComm Transmits the current contents of the buffer, then closes the
communication device.
EnableCommNotification Permits or prohibits the posting of WM_COMMNOTIFY to
the window.
EscapeCommFunction Orders the device to execute the expanded functions. 115
FlushComm Transmits characters from the communication device. 116
GetCommError Reads the communication status into the buffer. 117
GetCommEventMask Acquires the event mask, then clears it. 120
OpenComm Opens the communication device. 121
GetCommState Reads the device control block into the buffer. 123
ReadComm Reads data from the communication device into the buffer. 124
SetCommBreak Sets the communication device to the break state. 125
SetCommEventMask Acquires the event mask from the communication device, then
sets the event mask.
SetCommState Sets the communication device to the state specified by the
device control block.
TransmitCommChar Place the specified character at the head of the transmission
UngetCommChar Designates a character to be read next. 133
WriteComm Reads data from the buffer and writes it to the communication